The fire damage restoration professionals at Restore-It Restoration and Cleaning know that when a fire damages a house, the experience can be very stressful for the home’s residents. Unfortunately, house fires are an all too common occurrence. A National Fire Protection Association report found that, over a five-year period, “US fire departments responded to an estimated average of 346,800 home structure fires per year.” The fact that each year hundreds of thousands of Americans will likely experience a house fire is a sobering reality. However, the good news is that homeowners can take several measures to prevent a house fire from occurring, minimize the scope of the damage should the home catch fire, safely escape from a fire, and accelerate the fire damage recovery and restoration process.
Creating an Emergency Readiness Plan for responding to housefires
To prepare for a potential housefire, homeowners must develop an Emergency Readiness Plan tailored to the individual household. A full-orbed readiness plan will encompass relevant action steps before, during, and after a fire. The homeowner will be concerned with three main phases: fire safety before a fire, fire escape during a fire, and fire damage restoration after a fire.
Fire safety
Two of the most important fire safety and suppression tools are smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. Early warning devices, such as smoke detectors, are essential fire prevention and readiness tools that can avoid disaster and save lives. Do not underestimate the value that even a few minutes of warning can provide to help the family address the fire or evacuate the home safely.
For small fires, fire extinguishers provide a way to put out the fire and bring the situation under control. To ensure the unit is charged, use the test button or gauge on the device. A damaged or low-pressure extinguisher must be replaced or serviced by a professional. Many house fires are caused by cooking, so keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
Fire escape plan
The National Fire Protection Association offers the following warnings and advice about escaping from house fires: “Fire can spread rapidly through your home, leaving you as little as one or two minutes to escape safely once the smoke alarm sounds. A closed door may slow the spread of smoke, heat, and fire. Install smoke alarms in every sleeping room and outside each separate sleeping area. Install alarms on every level of the home. Pull together everyone in your household and make a plan. Walk through your home and inspect all possible exits and escape routes. Households with children should consider drawing a floor plan of your home, marking two ways out of each room, including windows and doors.”
When formulating a fire escape plan, pay special consideration to the concerns of infants and young children, older family members, and loved ones with mobility limitations. Designate one or two people to aid these individuals during fire drills and an actual house fire.
In homes with multiple floors, consider purchasing fire escape ladders. Before using an escape ladder in an emergency, read the usage instructions carefully. Also, practice deploying the ladder from the safety of a first-floor window. Escape ladders should be stored near windows and should be easily accessible.
Fire damage restoration
If the homeowner has not considered the damage restoration and cleaning process in the Emergency Readiness Plan, unnecessary stress can arise in the aftermath of a housefire as the household scrambles to identify, vet, and secure the services of a reputable, qualified, and dependable fire damage restoration company. The best time to choose a damage restoration provider is before a fire starts. Prequalification can help reduce stress and anxiety and provide a clear path forward after fire damage.
A house fire is a complex disaster and often involves water damage and mold damage in addition to fire and smoke damage. Choose a full-service restoration company that offers a wide menu of services, including smoke odor removal and soot removal, to address the issues and restore life to normal.